The NOS website is extremely useful for parents as well as teachers. They are specialists in e-safety and they offer a wealth of online safety advice and guides.
Here are a few of the guides available that we think are particularly relevant for our children.
View the guides below:
- Setting boundaries around gaming
- Setting up new Apps, Games and Software
- Talking to your child about online safety
- What children need to know about online bullying
- Age Ratings
- Screen addiction
- Minecraft - Parents' Guide
- Social Media and Mental Health
- Snapchat - Parents' Guide
- YouTube - Parents' Guide
- YOLO - Parents' Guide
- Sharing Photos Online - Parents' Guide
- Persuasive Design Online - Parent and Carers' Guide
Childnet ( has produced some really useful resources and guides to help keep children safe online too. Click here to access a guide specifically for parents called 'Let's talk about life online'.
Think U Know
Thinkuknow ( the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children both online and offline. There are loads of excellent resources and age-specific videos which teach children about the importance of online safety.
Parents Protect
This website aims to provide parents with the best information and advice to help keep children safe from harm online. Parents Protect - Internet Safety: There are lots of helpful support videos and a confidential helpline should you need specific guidance for dealing with any online-related problems.